Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Ramadan, a precious gift for Muslims

For a Muslim, Ramadan is the most important month of the Islamic year. It’s the time when 2 billion Muslims living around the world, observe fasts daily throughout the month, give a lot of charity, preach the message of love and positivity and express the feelings of brotherhood, at the same time. What’s a better example of unity in the world than that? The month of Ramadan possesses exceptional significance in terms of spirituality. It’s the month in which Allah Almighty keeps on multiplying your good deeds. In fact, performing Umrah in the month of Ramadan is equivalent to performing a Hajj! That’s why most of the Muslims prefer to book umrah packages all-inclusive for and in the month of Ramadan. 

Here are some of the reasons why the month of Ramadan is a precious gift for Muslims. 

It provides Spiritual Purification. 

Ramadan is the month of fasting. Fasting 30 days a month, from dawn to dusk. Ultimately providing better mental and physical health which are the fundamental pillars of a purified spirit. When a person refrains from eating or drinking anything in the daytime, it learns to remain humble and thankful to Allah at all times. Fasting also helps us in understanding how blessed we are by the Almighty that we enjoy a variety of foods and drinks in our daily life with heavenly tastes and beneficial health effects. 

Instils Gratitude in one’s Personality. 

Gratitude is the key to success in life. No matter how lucky or blessed you feel, never show signs of pride or superiority over others. But how to achieve it? Well, Allah Almighty has blessed us with the month of Ramadan that effortlessly promotes the very message. When a person observes fasts, it’s a precious gift of this holy month that it automatically becomes more humble and polite to others. 

Enhances the feelings of Empathy and Compassion. 

Fasting teaches us the fears and feelings of hunger that poor people have to go through on a daily basis. How poverty makes you feel and how you have to struggle every day just to survive. Consequently, it becomes a source for privileged people to understand the needs of others and help them. With money, food, or anything they can arrange, they help their deserving brothers and sisters. 

Teaches Discipline: 

Islam is a complete guide to spend an exemplary, purposeful, and successful life. Ramadan, being the perfect example of self-discipline in this regard. Waking up, eating, praying, working, and going to sleep – everything is done on its specific time. Therefore, fasting helps a person to polish heir disciplinary skills. Furthermore, it also makes our health better, both mentally and physically. 

Where Ramadan is a month of infinite blessings and bounties, performing umrah in this month is a cherry on top. If you have plans to perform umrah in the coming Ramadan then you should definitely check out 5 star Ramadan Umrah packages and reserve your spot in advance.