Hajj provides an ultimate pathway for a person to seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty. Pray for uncountable blessings and ask for ‘Barakah’ in one’s life. Hajj isn’t obligatory for all Muslims but for those who possess the financial means to sponsor it and are hale and hearty in terms of physical and mental regard. For most of the Muslims, hajj is once in a lifetime opportunity. They often get this opportunity in their late 50s or 60s or they prefer going at this age despite having the means for it for a very long period of time. There isn’t anything wrong with that. However, in Islam, it is usually advised to never delay a good deed. Whether its Ibadah or even helping someone. One must proceed hastily towards the execution of ‘Haqooq ul Allah and Haqooq ul Ibaad’.
Nonetheless, if Allah has blessed a person with means that he/she can go for hajj at an early age even in their 20s, they must book their hajj packages UK right away. In short, performing hajj as soon as you can without delaying is far superior. Why? Here are a few reasons.
You don’t have as many worries/fear/anxieties as compared to elder people
All of us in our youth are free from the worries. In fact, it would not be wrong to say that youth is all about carelessness, enjoyment, lots of energy and bodily strength, traveling, and health. You don’t fear to face any challenge rather take it as an adventure. You have plenty of confidence and money. While, as the person ages he/she becomes more scared to take risks, and health is also not guaranteed. As hajj is all about complete mental and physical devotion to the orders of Allah Almighty. Therefore, youth is the best time to go for Hajj.
Hajj eliminates poverty
It remains narrated in Islam that hajj decreases poverty. When you’re young and it’s the beginning of your career, performing hajj will benefit you by decreasing poverty. You may become more successful in life financially if you put in honest hard work.
Hidayah; sins get forgiven
Youth is the peak time in a person’s life. Where it has plenty of energy, money, and health. It is capable of doing whatever he/she desires. Therefore, when in such abilities when a person supplicates to Allah almighty and asks for hidayah, there’s nothing more adorable to Allah Almighty. Then not only Allah almighty grants with all his/her wishes but also blesses the gift of Hidayah. So, they can have a fresh start in life.
Life is unpredictable
Life is unpredictable. Nobody knows when he/she is going to depart from this worldly life to the afterworld. Where the real, permanent life begins. On the other hand, health is also temporary. What you have today is not guaranteed for tomorrow. Therefore, turn to Allah Almighty before it’s too late as he is the most merciful.
From these arguments, it can be concluded that Youth undebatably is the best time to perform hajj.