Showing posts with label Hajj and its Impact. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hajj and its Impact. Show all posts

Monday, 20 January 2020

The Open Secrets of Hajj and its Impact on Believers

Hajj is an obligation for every Muslim who can afford it financially and health-wise, as the fifth pillar of the Islamic faith. Such a person, whether male or female, is obliged to perform hajj at least once in its lifetime. Annually, nearly four million Muslims travel to the city of Makkah in order to complete the rituals of Hajj. And then, returning with a strengthened faith in Allah Almighty. There are plenty of travel agents who offer a wide range of Hajj travel options; three-star to five Star Hajj Packages UK. Consequently, providing Muslims from all economic backgrounds, an opportunity to perform hajj. 

The open secrets of Hajj.

The order of Hajj Comes directly from the Quran.

Hajj is one of those Ibadah, rites of which have been decreed by Allah Almighty. The performance and significance of Hajj remain mentioned in the Holy Quran, many times. For every Muslim who is capable of it, must go on pilgrimage even from the farthest of lands. 

It’s the ultimate foundation of Muslim Unity.

Hajj is an exceptional portrayal of Muslim Unity. At this time, nearly 4 million Muslim pilgrims are present in Haram. Despite belonging from different cultures, traditions, races, and nationalities, they are dressed in simple white cloths and gathered for hajj at the same time. They even perform the rituals together. 

The true Spirit of Islam.

Hajj is the true spirit of Islam. It’s one of the best deeds a person can do in life. Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) said that (description) three deeds are the best insight of Allah Almighty. Namely; Belief in Allah Almighty and His Messenger (SAWW), Jihad with the rightful intentions (in the way of Allah Almighty) and an Accepted Hajj. 

Holy Kaabah; the place of absolute sanctuary and peace.

Holy Kaabah is present here from the beginning. First built by Hazrat Adam (AS) it was renovated by Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and then during the times of Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW). It’s the only Qibla for Muslims living in the entire world. It’s the place of absolute peace, spirituality, and sacredness. Holy Kaabah is surrounded by Masjid-al-Haram which also houses Maqam-e-Ibrahim, Zamzam well, Hajar-e-Aswad, Hateem, and the mountains of Safah and Marwah.

Impact on Believers.

Hajj holds infinitely many virtues and rewards for pilgrims. 

  1. Purification from the Sins; Hazrat Muhammad said that (description) whoever performs hajj with honest and rightful intentions, abides by its prohibitions and completes all of its rituals, returns just like as he was just born (without any sins).
  2. Removal of Poverty; Hajj removes the poverty of a person. That’s why it remains recommended in Islam to perform Hajj and Umrah frequently (if you can).
  3. Patience, Gratefulness, and Trust; Pilgrims are rewarded with the ultimate traits of patience, gratefulness, and trust in Allah Almighty. Therefore, they become more practical, humble and productive in their lives.

Despite that, hajj holds a wide range of exceptional social, financial, spiritual, physical, mental and religious rewards for Muslims.